Poshan Abhiyaan Competition for Pherzawl District
ICDS, Pherzawl District
Subject- Online Photography and Short Documentary Video Competition
Theme: “Malnutrition in a Mother and a Child”.
This is to inform that the District Administration, Pherzawl and Social Welfare Department ICDS, Pherzawl will be conducting a District Level online competition of Photography and Short Documentary Video (2-3 minute) on the THEME: “Malnutrition in a Mother and a Child”. An individual will be selected from both the categories and will be given the title of “Best Photographer” and “Best Documentary” for their contribution in District level online completion during Nutrition Month “POSHAN MAAH”.
Detail of the competition-
1). The period of competition will be from 2nd September to 28 September 2019. 2). Cash Prize of Rs 3000 only will be given for winner of Photography.
Cash Prize of Rs 5000 only will be given for winner of Short Documentary Video.
The Competition will be inclusive of Pregnant women and mother and children of age till 5 only. 5). For Photography, the detail of people in the photo be mention clearly with respect to their Name,
Age, Sex, their illness or Malnutrition condition, Address, Blocks of ICDS, District and the AWCs in the area.
6) For Photography an individual can only sent TWO photos 7). For Short Documentary Video making only One Video. 8). All photos should have a GEO-TAG.
The identified individual Pregnant women, Mother and a Children by the ICDS AWWs, ASHAs, ANMs in AWCs as SAMs or MAMs will be given Nutritional medical care in collaboration with the NHM.
The photo and video can be uploaded to whatapp no- 9370682382, and for a large size video it can also be sent via email address- poshanccpurandpherzawl@gmail.com
With Regards-
Mannuamching, DC Pherzawl District
Date- 2nd Sept 2019