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Tag: education

List of schools under ZEO/Pherzawl District 2016-17 (Under Autonomous District Council)

There are 27 schools under ZEO/Pherzawl (Autonomous District Council) as per the Government of Manipur record. Check out if your village has one such school. As per the ZEO data available with Citizens’ Initiative for Development and Empowerment (CIDE), there are 109 schools ranging from primary to higher secondary schools which are directly or partially aided by the government.

We will be publishing the entire list of schools under different categories. Stay tuned. Coming up are:

  1. Higher secondary schools
  2. High schools
  3. Junior high schools
  4. Upper primary schools
  5. Primary schools
  6. Aided high schools
  7. Aided junior high schools
  8. Aided primary schools (Published).
  9. Total number of schools.
