Staff of Parvachawm High School
As per the latest government data available with Citizens’ Inititative for Development and Empowerment (CIDE), there are eight staff working at Parvachawm Government High School. Official data shows 97 students are studying in the school during the same academic year.
A view of Parvachawm High School.

“Utilized in such and such School” is one thing, are the rest of the teachers available in their school?
The village authorities could take pro-active steps in this regard and pursue the same with the education department.
The staff should service at their respective post and hope that the school will be the place of learning
The staff should service at their respective post and hope that the school will be the place of learning
No,,, Just one Member among the Eight staff,namely Mr.Lalsangrem who is the Headmaster of this school.
We have here is proxi teacher who represents the appointed teacher with a low wages,,,, the fact behind is that there is very less teacher among 8 ,,,, now roughly 4 representing teacher went for the class,in which they have class Nursery to class 9 standard, they are in lack of staff for teaching
Its good to heard about the staff and hope that they will service at their respective post