Parbung is a large-sized village under Parbung Sub-Division of Pherzawl District, Manipur.
There are 518 households as per the 2016 House Counting Data (Government of Manipur). According to the same data, Parbung has a population of 2597 of which 1353 are males while 1244 are females.
The village is administered by an elected Village Authority.
Government facilities available in the village (as per Citizens’ Initiative for Development and Empowerment data as on Aug 1, 2018): –
- Parbung Govt Higher Secondary School
- Pherzawl District Hospital
- Parbung SDO Office
- Helipad
- Army camp, etc.
Please feel free to send us info/photos of your village if we missed out anything to We will try to verify and do an update if required.
- NA
- Parbung, Parbung Sub-Div HQ, Pherzawl District, Manipur - 795143